Bachelors Degree

Accredited Online Bachelor's Degree Programs

If you're working full time or raising a family, pursuing higher education may be a problem for you. Daltown University is an international online accredited university that offers bachelor degree programs through its 16 schools. An online bachelor's degree from Daltown University gives students the flexibility to attend their classes anytime, anywhere. DTU's accredited bachelor's degrees are ideal for working adults and individuals who juggle between their work and studies.

An online bachelor's degree is a great starting point for those who want to continue their education or advance in their present careers.

Unlike traditional campus-based programs, DTU's online bachelor degree programs allow students to complete assignments and projects online according to their own schedule. The students receive hands-on knowledge in their respective fields and also benefit from interactive seminars, online quizzes, discussion boards, and web-based field trips.

Bachelor's Degrees at DTU

DTU Bachelor's Degree caters to students who have a high school diploma and want to enroll in a Bachelor's Degree Program. The number of total credit hours required is 144 and the program completion time spans over 2 year with a learning model of your own pace and choice. Prior learning credits are easily transferable and also encompass comprehensive online learning material to assist students.

Associate to Bachelors Degree

The Daltown University's Associate-to-Bachelor's Degree will give you the knowledge you need to excel in your relevant field and improve your career prospects. If you have earned an Associate Degree, you can enroll in our Bachelors Program and get exempted from several courses. Typically, it requires completion of 6 hours and takes a year for completion at a self-paced learning model.

CHOOSE Daltown

At Daltown, you will be challenged, and you will be mentored. In choosing Daltown, you will take the first step toward
your future career and becoming your future self.

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Bachelors Degree

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
Associate Degree, GED or equiv. international education 24 144 2 Years (Self-paced)

Associate to Bachelors Degree

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
Associate Degree, GED or equiv. international education 14 84 1 Year (Self-paced)

Below is the tuition fee for our bachelor degree programs:

Programs Total Courses Credit Hours Program Fee ($)
Bachelor's Degree 24 114 $10,800
Associate to Bachelor's Degree 14 84 $6,300