Doctorate Degree

Accredited Online Doctorate Degree Programs

A large number of students enroll for PhD Programs at DTU annually. Typically all Online PhD Degree Programs require 2-years to complete. If you wish to enroll in a doctoral degree program, there is a wide range of subjects to choose from at Daltown University. You can study at your own pace and earn your doctorate degree in a year's time. These PhD degrees are designed by top educationists and industry experts from around the world and cover a comprehensive curriculum to help individuals excel in their fields.

Doctorate Degree Program (Applied)

Accredited Doctorate Degree Program offered by DTU allows students to excel in their respective academic fields. Through our doctoral program you can grow move further in your specific field and hone your leadership skills. The program requires 54 credit hours and takes less than 2 years to complete.

Doctorate Degree Program (Research)

Our research-based Online Doctoral Degree Program develops your skills and enhances knowledge in your field of interest through an in-depth theoretical and practical research. Our accredited doctoral degree programs are meant for those who wish to make notable progress in their professional lives. The program requires 54 credit hours and takes less than 2 years to complete.

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At Daltown, you will be challenged, and you will be mentored. In choosing Daltown, you will take the first step toward
your future career and becoming your future self.

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Doctorate Degree Program (Applied)

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
Min. Masters Degree 3 Research Courses +5 Short Theses + 1 Detailed Thesis 54 2 years (Self-paced)

Doctorate Degree Program (Research)

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
Min. Masters Degree 3 Research Courses +5 Short Theses + 1 Detailed Thesis 54 2 years (Self-paced)

Below is the tuition fee for our doctorate degree programs:

Programs Total Courses Credit Hours Program Fee ($)
Doctorate Degree Program (Applied) 3 Research Courses +5 Short Theses + 1 Detailed Thesis 54 $14,400
Doctorate Degree Program (Research) 3 Research Courses +5 Short Theses + 1 Detailed Thesis 54 $14,400